Central London FQP News

CLFQP Funding for 2015-16 has been provided by the Central London Transport Partnership and industry partners.


CLFQP are supporting the Freight TAILS Action Planning Network will address the challenges posed by rapidly increasing freight movements, within the context of all urban logistics. Freight transport, by its very nature, negatively impacts on cities – road delivery trips are increasing, they can be large, noisy, polluting, tending to be diesel vehicles. This Freight TAILS project will develop tailored freight management policies using the URBACT Integrated Action Planning methodology to pro-actively support the functioning of different growing cities, whilst reducing the carbon emissions associated with urban freight transport, and stimulating the low carbon urban freight sector.

Action plans will be established to develop sustainable urban logistics approaches (micro/consolidation, SME co-ordination, retiming deliveries, efficient road space allocation), in specific urban areas (areas of high multi-tenanted office blocks, high street retail areas, areas dominated by single user (university campus or public sector administration), historic central areas). Business cases for different approaches, data on greenhouse gas emissions and traffic improvements, and recommendations for implementation will be key elements of the Action Plans.

The phase 1 partners are Cross River Partnership (whose accountable body is Westminster City Council) central London, UK; Maastricht, The Netherlands; Parma, Italy; and Suceava, Romania. Partners have a range of experience in freight management initiatives including for example the Low Emission Zones in London, Maastricht and Parma’s experiences of running logistics centres / consolidation centres, and Suceava’s experiences with Electric Vehicles. Between September 2015 – March 2016 we will focus on undertaking a baseline study on the state of freight related policy and practice in each partner city and beyond; and expanding the partnership for Phase 2 to a maximum of 12 cities.

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Or write to us at:

London Freight Quality Partnerships
c/o John Crosk, CLFQP Manager
Mobile phone 07925-929801
E-mail address:

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Date: April 2024 TBC

14:00 - 16:00

via Zoom - to attend, please contact John Crosk


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Date TBC