London Freight

The success of London depends on the efficient movement of goods, services and people. London’s continued growth will increase in freight movement to construct, supply and service London’s economy sustainably in order to make a real and positive contribution to improving the lives of those who live, work and visit London.


The London Freight Plan supports this sustainable development by giving clear guidance and direction. It recognises the need to improve the efficiency of the freight sector whilst also reducing the environmental and social impacts of freight transport on London.

The Plan clearly identifies the key leading role that Transport for London (TfL) must play to ensure that improvements are made. However such ambitions cannot be delivered by TfL alone. Partnership is needed to help realise these initiatives. 

So with the whole-hearted support of the boroughs and the freight industry, we can all help to make a real difference to the way in which freight activities can sustainably provide for the future needs of the Capital.

Approved by TfL’s Board in October 2007, the Plan was first published in January 2008 and it recognises the vital role that freight plays in maintaining London as a world class city. Keeping freight moving efficiently in London is not just vital for London’s economy but also for the UK economy. 

This Plan deals with problems and challenges that are complex, not easy to solve and is the culmination of collaborative partnership working by the London Sustainable Distribution Partnership (LSDP), TfL, the London boroughs and a large number of businesses, freight operators, bodies and associations.

In brief, the Plan has four key projects which are now in various stages of ‘roll-out’ from strategy to practical reality. They are:

1. Mayor's Transport Strategy (2018)

Mayor's Transport Strategy 2018
Adobe Acrobat document [21.6 MB]

2. Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS)

The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is a voluntary accreditation scheme that promotes best practice for commercial vehicle operators. With over 4,700 members, FORS is gaining recognition as the transport industry’s go-to accreditation scheme. FORS encompasses all aspects of safety, efficiency, and environmental protection by encouraging and training fleet operators to measure, monitor and improve performance.


FORS provides accreditation pathways for operators of any type, and for those organisations that award contracts and specify transport requirements. To have a look at a summary of the key benefits of FORS accreditation, please read our ‘Five Reasons to go FORS’ leaflet here.


FORS Bronze, Silver and Gold membership provides progressive accreditation enabling operators to achieve exemplary levels of best practice. FORS members stand out from the crowd, work to standards above the legal minimum and have access to a wide range of exclusive benefits that provide a real competitive advantage. Please click here to download a copy of the Benefits booklet “What’s in for me?” – this offers advice on getting the most from your membership, including free and funded training opportunities, offers and discounts from FORS Associates, as well as toolkits and guidance documents.


FORS accreditation drives best practice across the European fleet industry in terms of safety, efficiency and environmental protection. It also offers guidance and training to help operators attain the Standard.


For further information, visit the FORS website

    3. Delivery & Servicing Plans (DSP's)

    Will be used to increase building operational efficiency by reducing delivery and servicing impacts to premises, specifically CO2 emissions, congestion and collisions.

    DSPs aim to reduce delivery trips (particularly during peak periods) and increase availability and use of safe and legal loading facilities, using a range of approaches including consolidation and out-of-hours deliveries.


    For further information, visit:


    4. Construction Logistics Plans (CLP's)

    Have similar objectives to DSPs, but are applied to the design and construction phases of premises. The aim is for TfL to take a lead in implementing such plans for their construction projects. Traffic authorities will be encouraged to review delivery arrangements for construction sites so they can help to reduce lane closures, carriageway restrictions, and constructions’ duration.


    For further information, visit:


    5. Deliveries in London - TfL Website

    TfL works with operators, boroughs and partners across the freight industry to ensure that goods and services get delivered in London on time, and in a safe, clean and efficient way.
    On the below link you'll find advice on making and receiving deliveries, including parking and loading, delivering efficiently and driving near vulnerable road users.

    Get in touch!

    Click here to email us.


    Or write to us at:

    London Freight Quality Partnerships
    c/o John Crosk, CLFQP Manager
    Mobile phone 07925-929801
    E-mail address:

    Upcoming Events


    Current Freight Issues Group

    Date: April 2024 TBC

    14:00 - 16:00

    via Zoom - to attend, please contact John Crosk


    Steering & Admin Group

    Date TBC